USA: Ban Factory Farms and Transition to a More Humane Food System

US H.R.4421/S.2332—U.S. Farm System Reform Act
ASPCA Position: Support
Sponsors: Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA), Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ)

Almost 10 billion animals are raised on U.S. factory farms every year, crowded together in intensive confinement and unable to carry out even some of their most basic natural behaviors. The COVID-19 pandemic further exposed the cruelty of industrial animal agriculture.

Higher-welfare farming is not only better for animals—it’s also far less likely to lead to disease outbreaks like pandemics. Instead of continuing to support a broken system that is failing all of us, we need a bold vision for a more humane food system free of factory farming. 

The Farm System Reform Act (U.S. H.R. 4421/S. 2332) offers a roadmap for a better world for farm animals. This bill will:

  • Freeze the expansion or construction of large “concentrated animal feeding operations” (CAFOs), a.k.a. factory farms. 
  • Phase out all large CAFOs by 2040.
  • Provide $10 billion annually to help farmers transition away from factory farming to higher-welfare, pasture-based production or to transition to crop-growing.
  • Create important reforms to hold factory farms accountable for the harms they cause in local communities and the way they treat contract farmers.

What You Can Do

Please use the form below to email your U.S. representative and senators urging them to cosponsor and support the Farm System Reform Act. If any of your members of Congress are already cosponsors, our system will instead generate a “thank you” message.

On behalf of America’s farm animals, and in hope of a healthier future for humankind, thank you!

About This Bill

Almost 10 billion animals are raised on U.S. factory farms every year, crowded together in intensive confinement and unable to carry out even some of their most basic natural behaviors. The COVID-19 pandemic further exposed the cruelty of industrial animal agriculture.

Higher-welfare farming is not only better for animals—it’s also far less likely to lead to disease outbreaks like pandemics. Instead of continuing to support a broken system that is failing all of us, we need a bold vision for a more humane food system free of factory farming. 

The Farm System Reform Act (US H.R.4421/S.2332) offers a roadmap for a better world for farm animals. This bill will:

  • Freeze the expansion or construction of large “concentrated animal feeding operations” (CAFOs), a.k.a. factory farms. 
  • Phase out all large CAFOs by 2040.
  • Provide $10 billion annually to help farmers transition away from factory farming to higher-welfare, pasture-based production or to transition to crop-growing.
  • Create important reforms to hold factory farms accountable for the harms they cause in local communities and the way they treat contract farmers.

What You Can Do

Please use the form below to email your U.S. representative and senators urging them to cosponsor and support the Farm System Reform Act. If any of your members of Congress are already cosponsors, our system will instead generate a “thank you” message.

On behalf of America’s farm animals, and in hope of a healthier future for humankind, thank you!