Help Expand Access to Vet Care in the Great Lakes State!

MI H.B. 4220 / H.B. 4221 — Expand Access to Veterinary Telemedicine
ASPCA Position: Support
Sponsors: Reps. Pohutsky and Aragona

Lawmakers in Michigan have the power to help more families access veterinary care for their pets. Your voice can persuade them to advance these bills, which would empower veterinarians to use technology — a.k.a. telemedicine — to provide safe, effective and convenient veterinary appointments for new and existing patients.

People are taking advantage of virtual appointments for their own medical care, and it’s time for the Great Lakes State to extend the benefits of this technology fully to the veterinary field.

Why Veterinary Virtual Care Is Important

Telemedicine makes it possible to connect with a licensed veterinarian quickly and conveniently and benefits a wide range of people and pets. Video calls with vets from the comfort of a pet’s home can help treat a wide range of ailments and facilitate routine, preventive services.

Veterinary telemedicine is a lifeline for pet owners who live in remote or underserved areas, struggle to afford vet care, or who face other obstacles such as work schedules that conflict with normal clinic hours. Pets who are frightened of going to the vet, potentially reactive, large or difficult to transport would benefit immensely from better access to virtual care.

The veterinary industry is facing a critical shortage of professionals in the workforce, and Michigan families are struggling to access care for their pets. As we have seen in human medicine, expanding access to video telemedicine helps bridge gaps in care caused by workforce shortages or other barriers to healthcare access.

What You Can Do

Don’t delay, these bills will be discussed in committee soon. Please complete the form below to email your state lawmakers and urge them to expand access to veterinary telemedicine in Michigan.