Florida: Expand Access to Critical Vet Care!

H.B. 849/S.B. 1040—Providing Equity in Telehealth Services (P.E.T.S.) Act
ASPCA Position: Support
Sponsors: Senator Bradley, Reps. Killebrew & Buchanan 

Update—June 21, 2024: VICTORY! The PETS Act was signed into law. As of July 1, Florida pet owners will be able to connect with veterinarians from their smartphones or computers, making it easier to obtain safe and effective veterinary care.

With Florida's new law, veterinarians in the Sunshine State will be empowered to use veterinary telemedicine to expand access to virtual veterinary care.

Until now, an outdated, pre-COVID era Florida law has blocked veterinarians from practicing veterinary medicine or prescribing medication unless they have recently examined the animal in person. This has been a difficult, often unnecessary obstacle for many pet owners, animal shelters and veterinarians, especially at a time when there is a dangerous shortage of veterinary professionals to serve pets.

More About Veterinary Telemedicine

The stress and anxiety of an in-person veterinary visit can often cause pets to exhibit fearful or aggressive behaviors. Also, an in-person veterinary visit can present a difficult barrier for pet owners who have limited access to transportation, limited time off from work, those who live in veterinary deserts, or for those who are disabled and elderly and cannot take pets in themselves without additional help.

Telemedicine, also called virtual or remote appointments, can benefit ALL pet owners and pets—especially anxious, large or arthritic animals, and those living in rural or underserved areas. It even benefits veterinarians, allowing them to continue providing excellent, efficient patient care when staffing shortages make their caseloads heavier than usual.

What You Can Do

Please use the form below to send the Governor an email thanking him for signing the PETS Act.