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Thank You for Sponsoring H.R. 805/S. 5138
Dear Lawmaker,
As your constituent who cares about farm animal welfare and building a more humane food system, I want to thank you for sponsoring the Industrial Agriculture Accountability Act (H.R. 805/S. 5138). This landmark legislation will protect millions of farmed animals and place the liability for potential disasters where it belongs: on the corporations profiting the most from the harmful factory farming system. As the climate continues to change, we can expect more unpredictable weather events and a heightened risk of disease spread, and it’s critical that industrial agriculture both be prepared and be held accountable when their systems fail, instead of leaving taxpayers to foot the bill. Farm animal welfare is important to me and I’m glad you recognize the work necessary to build a more humane and just food system.
Thank You for Cosponsoring H.R. 805/S. 5138
Dear Lawmaker,
As your constituent who cares about farm animal welfare and building a more humane food system, I want to thank you for cosponsoring the Industrial Agriculture Accountability Act (H.R. 805/S. 5138). This landmark legislation will protect millions of farmed animals and place the liability for potential disasters where it belongs: on the corporations profiting the most from the harmful factory farming system. As the climate continues to change, we can expect more unpredictable weather events and a heightened risk of disease spread, and it’s critical that industrial agriculture both be prepared and be held accountable when their systems fail, instead of leaving taxpayers to foot the bill. Farm animal welfare is important to me and I’m glad you recognize the work necessary to build a more humane and just food system.
Please Cosponsor H.R. 805/S. 5138
Dear Lawmaker,
As your constituent who cares about farm animal welfare and building a more humane food system, I urge you to cosponsor and support the Industrial Agriculture Accountability Act (H.R. 805/S. 5138). The COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing avian influenza outbreak have highlighted the damage caused by industrial agriculture’s lack of planning and continued push for profits at the expense of animals, people and the environment. This legislation will place the liability for mitigating potential disasters where it belongs: on the corporations profiting the most from the harmful factory farming system. It will also create new protections for farm animals during transport and at slaughter, when they are most vulnerable to suffering. As the climate continues to change, we can expect more unpredictable weather events and a heightened risk of disease spread, and it is critical that industrial agriculture both be prepared and be held accountable when their systems fail, instead of leaving taxpayers to foot the bill. 89% of Americans are concerned about the impacts of factory farming and it is time to reform this cruel industry. The Industrial Agriculture Accountability Act is a critical step towards building a more humane and just food system. I hope you’ll consider the welfare of more than 10 billion animals raised for food each year and support this important legislation.