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Thank You for Cosponsoring the Pets Belong with Families Act

Dear Representative,
As your constituent and a supporter of the ASPCA, I want to thank you for cosponsoring the Pets Belong with Families Act (H.R. 3989) to ensure that people in public housing can keep their beloved pets with them. As you know, the Pets Belong with Families Act would prohibit restrictions against dogs in public housing based on breed or size across the U.S., allowing families to access affordable and stable housing while keeping their pets with them. I thank you for your leadership on this important issue.

Please Support the Pets Belong with Families Act

Dear Representative,
As your constituent and a supporter of the ASPCA, I ask you to please cosponsor the Pets Belong with Families Act (H.R. 3989). The Pets Belong with Families Act would prohibit vague and sweeping restrictions against dogs in public housing based on breed or size, allowing families to access affordable and stable housing while keeping their pets with them. This bill would still allow for discretion on potentially dangerous individual animals but would remove housing barriers for thousands of responsible pet owners. No one should have to decide between giving up a beloved pet and safe and secure housing. Unfortunately, families experiencing housing insecurity are too often faced with this impossible choice. These difficult decisions are often due to broad, varying restrictions on dog breeds-- restrictions that fail to make communities safer while penalizing responsible pet owners and their animals. There is no sound evidence to support unjustified breed restrictions and no evidence that breed restrictions make communities safer for people or their pets. Dogs should be judged as the individuals they are instead of by erroneous and harmful stereotypes. I urge your support of the Pets Belong with Families Act (H.R. 3989) to ensure beloved pets can remain with their families in public housing. Thank you for your consideration.