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End Cruel Confinement of Egg-Laying Hens

Dear Legislator,
As your constituent concerned about farm animal welfare, I urge you to vote YES on LR 2897 at the upcoming Legislative Council meeting. If passed, LR 2897 would improve the lives of millions of egg-laying hens and support farmers’ shift to cage-free housing systems. LR 2897 brings Maine in line with a growing number of states, including neighboring states like Massachusetts and Rhode Island, that have enacted similar measures to end the cruel confinement of egg-laying hens. Supporting LR 2897 is a step toward a more humane farming system and will benefit animals, compassionate Maine consumers and responsible farmers across the state. Again, I urge you to vote in favor of LR 2897. Thank you for your consideration.

End Cruel Confinement of Egg-Laying Hens

Dear Legislator,
As your constituent concerned about farm animal welfare, I urge you to support LR 2897 and vote for its passage when it comes before you this session. If passed, LR 2897 would improve the lives of millions of egg-laying hens and support farmers’ shift to cage-free housing systems. LR 2897 brings Maine in line with a growing number of states, including neighboring states like Massachusetts and Rhode Island, that have enacted similar measures to end the cruel confinement of egg-laying hens. Supporting LR 2897 is a step toward a more humane farming system and will benefit animals, compassionate Maine consumers and responsible farmers across the state. Thank you for your consideration.