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Please sign H.B. 241/S.B. 1082, Domestic Violence Injunctions

Dear Governor DeSantis,
Please support survivors of domestic violence and their pets by signing H.B. 241/S.B. 1082 into law. This public safety bill makes needed clarifications to Florida law to ensure that courts include pets in orders of protection, enabling stronger protection for survivors of domestic violence and their beloved family pets. Since survivors of domestic violence often report that they delay seeking safety for fear of retaliation against their pets, this clarification to existing law will save lives and make our communities safer. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Thank You for Protecting People and their Pets from Domestic Violence

Dear Legislator,
As your constituent, I want to thank you for supporting H.B. 241/S.B. 1082, which could help ensure that family pets can be included in orders of protection. Once signed into law, this will enable stronger protection of survivors of domestic violence and their beloved family pets. During this uncertain time, it’s more important than ever that survivors of domestic violence and their pets can safely leave an abusive situation. Thank you for taking a stand to help protect people and their pets in Florida.