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Please protect American horses from slaughter

Dear Representative,
As your constituent and a supporter of equine welfare, I urge you to support the provision in the FY 2020 Agriculture Appropriations bill that renews the ban on the use of federal tax dollars for horse slaughter. It is essential that Congress continue its commitment to keep this grisly industry out of the U.S. Prohibiting funding for inspections of horse slaughterhouses prevents this foreign industry from setting up shop in our country. 80% of Americans oppose horse slaughter. Retaining this language in the FY 2020 Agriculture Appropriations bill will demonstrate Congress’s continued commitment to ending the inhumane slaughter of American horses and will tell American voters that their voices have been heard.

Please protect American horses from slaughter

Dear Senator,
As your constituent and a supporter of equine welfare, I urge you to support the provision in the FY 2020 Agriculture Appropriations bill that renews the ban on the use of federal tax dollars for horse slaughter. It is essential that Congress continue its commitment to keep this grisly industry out of the U.S. Prohibiting funding for inspections of horse slaughterhouses prevents this foreign industry from setting up shop in our country. 80% of Americans oppose horse slaughter. Retaining this language in the FY 2020 Agriculture Appropriations bill will demonstrate Congress’s continued commitment to ending the inhumane slaughter of American horses and will tell American voters that their voices have been heard.