Help Washington’s Pets Stay Safe When Natural Disasters Strike

WA H.B. 1201 — Include Pets in Emergency Planning
ASPCA Position: Support
Sponsors: Reps. Leavitt, Ryu, Macri, Bronoske, Simmons and Berg

Update — January 31, 2024: Great news! This bill advanced through its first committee and could go before the full Washington House of Representatives at any moment. Keep the momentum going by urging your state representative to support this bill!

Washington lawmakers are considering a bill that will help families with pets stay safe during natural disasters. This bill requires counties and cities in Washington to:

  • Include pets in all levels of disaster and extreme weather response planning.
  • Create dedicated pet-friendly sheltering sites to give people with pets a safe and comfortable place to evacuate to.
  • Provide online guidance from organizations offering emergency pet assistance and advice.
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Natural disasters and extreme weather events are becoming more common throughout the Evergreen State, and Washington’s emergency plans have not adequately supported families with companion animals. When forced to flee their homes or find shelter from the elements, people have sometimes had to make an impossible decision: leave without their beloved pets or risk sheltering in place to stay together, threatening their own safety and that of first responders.

What You Can Do

Don’t delay! Lawmakers are moving quickly, and this bill could receive a vote at any moment. Please use our brief online form to send a message to your state representative asking them to help advance this lifesaving bill.