Every horse in this country, no matter how loved, is just one bad sale away from slaughter. To protect horses and the people who love and care for them, we must pass the Save America’s Forgotten Equines (SAFE) Act—federal legislation that would prevent the horse slaughter industry from reestablishing operations in the U.S. and prohibit the export of American horses for slaughter.
The cruel horse slaughter industry preys on horses, their owners and people who care about them across the United States. Every year that passes without a federal ban on horse slaughter dooms tens of thousands of equines—work partners, athletes, trusted friends—to unnecessary and inhumane deaths.
Survey results published in 2017 revealed that 2.3 million adults in the U.S. have both the desire and resources to immediately adopt a horse. This means that there were more than enough homes for the approximately 35,000 American horses who went over our borders to slaughter last year—if only they had been given the opportunities to find them. The ASPCA is helping by directing vast resources into massively increasing horse adoption nationwide, but equine welfare will always be at risk while this underground industry is permitted to exist.
Passing the SAFE Act will give at-risk horses a chance to find loving homes. Please contact your lawmakers now and urge them to support the SAFE Act.
What You Can Do
Using the form below, please take a moment to email your U.S. lawmakers urging them to take immediate action on the SAFE Act. If your legislator has already supported this bill, our system will instead generate a message of thanks.
After completing the form, encourage your friends and family to take action with you by promoting the SAFE Act on social media.
On behalf of America's horses, thank you!