New York: Protect Renters and Pets from Unfair Insurance Practices!

a brown pitbull laying down looking at the camera while being pet
NY A. 6867-B/S. 7416-B — Prohibits Dog Breed Discrimination
ASPCA Position: Support
Sponsors: Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal, Senator Michael Gianaris

Update—June 13, 2024: New York's 2024 legislative session ended before this bill could receive the votes it needed to become law. We will continue working during future sessions to prevent insurance companies from discriminating against renters because of the breed of dog they own. 

This legislation is long overdue — research has demonstrated that discriminatory practices have not improved public safety and that a dog’s breed alone does not reflect or predict their behavior.

New York’s renters should never have to choose between having a place to live and keeping their beloved family pets. 

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In 2021, New York became one of the first states in the country to prohibit insurance carriers from arbitrarily canceling or refusing to issue insurance policies, or charging higher premiums for homeowner insurance policies based on what breed of dog a person owns. Unfortunately, that prohibition did not apply to renters, who have continued to face discriminatory practices and the heartbreak of surrendering their beloved pet. This bill can close that loophole.

As the Legislature continues its work to address many serious housing challenges, they must extend this prohibition to policies issued to renters. Almost 50% of New York’s 8.5+ million housing units are occupied by renters. In New York City, that number is higher, with renters living in two-thirds of all available units. 

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