Update—January 7, 2020: Exciting news, advocates! The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors has officially adopted a motion that will require all County-financed housing to be pet-friendly. This new law will take effect in 30 days. This is a huge step forward in ensuring housing is no longer an impossible barrier for many families. Thank you to everyone who spoke up in support of this important motion to keep people and their pets together.
A lack of access to pet-friendly housing can require pet owners to grapple with an impossible decision: either give up their pet or keep a roof over their heads. While this painful choice can be difficult to imagine, it is often a grim reality for those with few housing options or special housing needs.
A national study conducted by the ASPCA revealed that those who rent are more likely to need to rehome their pets for housing issues than for any other reason. In Los Angeles County, housing was a reason given for roughly 24% of dog surrenders and 20% of cat surrenders between 2016 and 2018.
There is no reason that people willing and able to care for their pets should be forced to part with them due to a lack of housing options.