Support Farmers Leaving Cruel Factory Farming

U.S. H.R. 9794/S. 5176—Industrial Agriculture Conversion Act (IACA)
ASPCA Position: Support
Sponsors: U.S. Reps. Alma Adams (D-N.C.) and Jim McGovern (D-Mass.); U.S. Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.)

The Industrial Agriculture Conversion Act (IACA) was just introduced to provide the funds farmers need to transition away from factory farming and adopt more humane and sustainable systems. Urge your members of Congress to advance this bill and promote less harmful farming practices.

The IACA is the first federal bill of its kind. It would create a grant program dedicated to assisting farmers currently in the factory farm system who want to update their infrastructure and make on-farm improvements, like implementing pasture-based animal agriculture or transitioning to crop production.

Learn More

Most meat, eggs and dairy produced in the United States are from factory farms that are controlled by a handful of huge corporations. These industrial facilities trap farmers in debt, cruelly confine animals, endanger workers, harm our climate, threaten public health and poison rural communities.

Through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), Congress committed billions of dollars to agricultural conservation programs meant to combat climate change. It’s vital that this money is invested in meaningful projects with proven environmental benefits – like the construction of fencing and water lines to raise animals on pasture, or the purchase of seeds and planting structures for growing crops. Public money should not be used to prop up the disastrous factory farming system.

What You Can Do

Please use the form below to send a pre-drafted email urging your members of Congress to cosponsor the Industrial Agriculture Conversion Act. If your lawmaker already supports this bill, our system will generate a message of thanks.