USA: Urge Our New Congress to Improve Laws for Animals

Priorities for the 119th Congress
ASPCA Position: Congress Must Improve Laws for Animals

We need your help to build a better world for animals.

A new session of Congress is underway. As elected officials begin to shape their agendas and policy goals, it is critical that they hear from you — the voters — about the policy improvements you’d like to see for our country’s animals.

Please use the form below to send a message to your members of Congress, urging them to:

  • End the cruel and unnecessary slaughter of America’s horses.
  • Demand better government oversight of puppy mills and real consequences for cruel breeders.
  • Build a more rational, sustainable and humane food system.
  • Ensure existing animal-protection laws are not overturned.
  • Improve housing policies to help keep people and pets together.

Thank you for being an animal advocate!