Help Colorado’s Pets Stay Safe When Natural Disasters Strike

CO H.B. 24-1033—Disaster Preparedness and Sheltering
ASPCA Position: Support
Sponsors: Reps. Snyder, Velasco, Dickinson; Senators Cutter, Jaquez Lewis, Ginal

Update—April 11, 2024: Great news, Governor Polis just signed this bill into law! This new law will help families with pets stay safe during natural disasters. To celebrate this victory, send the Governor a message of thanks.

When the law goes into effect on July 1, state and local agencies will begin including pets in all levels of disaster response planning and create dedicated pet-friendly sheltering sites to give people a safe and comfortable place to evacuate to with their pets. Thank you for each action you took to help this bill cross the finish line. 

Learn More

Natural disasters and extreme weather events are becoming more common throughout the Centennial State, and Colorado’s emergency plans have not adequately supported families with companion animals. There are not enough public shelters in Colorado that accommodate pets, and this has had a negative impact during these emergency events. When forced to flee their homes, people have sometimes had to make an impossible decision: evacuate without their beloved pets or risk sheltering in place to stay together, threatening their own safety and that of first responders. People are also more likely to illegally reenter evacuation sites to rescue a beloved pet than for any other reason. Laws like this one help prevent these heartbreaking moments.

What You Can Do

Please use our brief and easy online form to send a pre-drafted message thanking Governor Polis for signing this bill into law.