The Bellingham City Council is considering an ordinance that will help families find and keep homes that welcome their beloved pets. This ordinance aims to increase housing stability for renters and remove barriers to owning pets in rental housing by capping deposits and prohibiting pet-related rent and fees.
The Council is collecting public feedback in anticipation of a full public hearing in November. Help make Bellingham’s housing truly pet-friendly by contacting your City Councilmembers today.
Pet owners face huge barriers when searching for a home. Renters, especially lower income renters, are more likely to have to rehome their pet due to housing issues than for any other reason. When renters finally find housing that allows pets, it often comes with costly up front or ongoing pet deposits and/or pet-related fees. When added to other housing-related expenses, such as moving, security deposits, and application fees, these additional costs have a devastating impact on people who are already struggling to find cost-appropriate housing.
Pets are considered part of the family by most people, yet an increasing number of pet owners are being forced to surrender their animals due to restrictive and costly housing policies. It’s severing precious bonds and flooding animal shelters and rescues with pets who could have remained with their families if these barriers didn’t exist. This proposed ordinance is a huge step towards eliminating barriers to keeping pets at home with the people who love them.
What You Can Do
Please use the form below to send a message urging your City Council to support the proposed ordinance. You can send the message as is, or you can include a personal story describing how this issue has impacted you. Your story can make a difference.